Taken from a summary published by class society ABS, we have highlighted some of the decisions taken at the IMO’s MSC 89 meeting, which was held between 11th and 20th May.
Starting with the retroactive upgrade of lifeboat on‐load release and retrieval systems, the committee adopted a set of revisions to SOLAS Chapter III and the LSA Code, which impact the certification and may require the replacement, of lifeboat release and retrieval systems.
These amendments, together with guidelines developed for their implementation, require the administration (or recognised class society) to carry out a design review of the manufacturer's submitted assessment to check that the type of existing lifeboat release and retrieval systems complies with certain revisions of the LSA Code and to witness the specified performance test.
These two tasks should be completed no later than 1st July 2013. The assessment’s result (compliant, compliant with modification, or non‐compliant) is to be reported to IMO's database for use in certifying systems on board ships.
Systems not complying with the additional safety provisions of the LSA Code need to be replaced with compliant equipment by the first scheduled out‐of‐water drydocking carried out on/after 1st July 2014, but not later than 1st July 2019.
Systems can only be replaced by an OEM, or OEM licensee, whereas modifications may be carried out by others, such as service suppliers. Fall preventer devices are recommended to be fitted on systems, which are not compliant until such time as the system is modified/replaced for compliance.
Approved SOLAS revisions, scheduled to be adopted in May 2012 by MSC 90, included those addressing free-fall lifeboat testing.
The revisions explicitly allow for free‐fall lifeboat release systems to be operationally tested by a simulated launching device without the crew on board as an alternative to an actual free‐fall launch. An MSC circular allowing early implementation of the simulated launching test before the revisions enter into force is to be issued.
Excerpted from article on Tanker Operator Magazine. Full article may be viewed @ http://www.tankeroperator.com/news/todisplaynews.asp?NewsID=2729
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